Tandhang Port

I had the oppurtunity to visit one of my favorite places in Korea again when some amazing clients chose Tando Port for their photoshoot. Ive said it once and I will say it again, tando port is a dime hidden away. From the magnificent fishing boats that seem to pile on top of each other, to the huge windmills I could spend hours here. Unfortunately monsoon season through us a curve ball and they had the path to the lighthouse closed because of the rains. Typically during low tide you can walk the path along the windmills to the lighthouse! But this gave me the opportunity to explore the area more and go places around the area I haven't been yet! We spent the majority of the shoot left of the windmills close to the boats which made the photos amazing! After being absolutely soaked due to the downpour that started towards the end of the shoot, I walked around to dry off before heading back home. By accident, I came across a little rocky beach to the right of the windmills. I took time to just sit and listen to the waves bring the tide up and the storm clouds that were rolling back in!

Things you need to know:

Tandhang port is 42km away from Camp Humphreys sitting right on the Yellow Sea.

The path to the lighthouse is only available during low tide

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Tandohang Port

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